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Guidelines for the Preparation of Oral Presentations

Presentation software

  1. Software compatibility:
    1. Use a presentation software that is Windows PC compatible. We recommend Microsoft PowerPoint for optimal compatibility. We will not be able to connect your personal computers to our projection system.

Slide Design and Layout

  1. Consistent Theme and Template:
    1. Choose a professional and consistent template.
    2. Use a uniform colour scheme, font, and layout across all slides.
  2. Slide Size and Aspect Ratio:
    1. Use the correct aspect ratio (16:9).
  3. Font and Text:
    1. Use clear, sans-serif fonts (e.g., Arial, Calibri).
    2. Title font size: 36-44 pt.
    3. Main text font size: 24-32 pt.
    4. Avoid using too much text; aim for brevity and clarity.
    5. Avoid putting text in the bottom ¼ of your slides.
  4. Colour Scheme:
    1. Use high-contrast colours for text and background.
    2. Avoid overly bright or clashing colours.
    3. Use colour to highlight key points but sparingly.
  5. Visuals and Graphics:
    1. Include relevant images, charts, graphs, and diagrams.
    2. Ensure all visuals are high-quality and easy to read.
    3. Label all figures and provide captions.
  6. Animations and Transitions:
    1. Use animations and transitions sparingly and consistently.
    2. Avoid distracting or overly complex animations.
  7. Number of slides:
    1. The recommended number of slides, including the opening and closing / acknowledgement slides, is a maximum of 20 slides for a full oral talk (15min talk + 5min Q&A) and a maximum of 10 slides for a lightning talk (5min talk + 2min Q&A).

Slide Content and Structure

  1. Title Slide:
    1. Include the presentation title, your name, your affiliation, the date, and the conference name.
  2. Outline Slide:
    1. Provide a brief overview of your presentation, including main sections (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion).
  3. Content Slides:
    1. Each slide should cover one main idea or topic.
    2. Use bullet points and short sentences.
    3. Avoid large blocks of text.
  4. Conclusion Slide:
    1. Summarise key findings and their implications.
    2. Mention future directions or recommendations.
  5. Acknowledgments Slide:
    1. Include the names and institutions of all project collaborators.

Submission of presentations

Please submit your presentations by 22 July 2024.

  1. Naming presentation files:
    1. Save your presentation files with the abstract number + presenting author’s surname, separated by underscores, ABS-00XXX_Surname.ppt. (e.g. ABS-00123_Ridley.ppt).
    2. Submit your presentation file via upload function which will be available on the 8GBGC website from 1st July.