Good News! You can now obtain CEU and CPD accreditation points from CUGE for CEU-CPH, ISA for CEU-ISA, SILA CPD and BOA-SIA CPD!           |           The Congress Programme is now available.           |           Virtual Congress Registration Available. Register Today!           |           Standard Registration ends on 31st July. Register to secure your booking – Register Today!           |           Limited Tour Tickets Available– Secure Your Spot Today!
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Main Topics & Subtopics

Main topic 3: Engaging Communities


3.1 Designing programmes to actively engage and stay relevant
3.2 Increasing reach and accessibility of our work to marginalised, vulnerable or underrepresented audiences
3.3 Building lasting relationships with partners (e.g. patrons, stewards, volunteers)
3.4 Heritage, legacies, and building identity
3.5 Promoting pro-environmental behaviour
3.6 Using interdisciplinarity as our superpower
